Monday, August 3, 2009

Art Show Countdown

This is the first day of a very busy last week until my art show, this Friday Aug. 7, 5-8 p.m. at the Old Colorado City History Center. This is my first actual scheme to accomplish the one main goal that was the reason I started this blog: to get rid of all the old pictures I've had on my walls for years.
I've now got my first 12 pictures completely ready (I am working on a few more, but more about that next blog) and I've actually moved them out of my basement studio and have them (once again) displayed on our living room walls.

We invited our next door neighbors over a couple days ago to see the art, since I'd sent them an invitation and they replied by apologizing for being unable to make the art show, but that since their back yard was in four of those paintings, they did want to have "first choice" of the pictures. I want to thank Barbara Vuillemin, who will return after the show to take Sacred Heart in the Summer '77 (lower right corner in the photo) back home to Tucson Arizona with them.
I love finding good homes for my pictures.

1 comment:

Judy Wise said...

Wow, you must be nervous as a cat as you count down to the opening. Sending good juju pixie dust your way to glitter up the room; have fun and share it with us, k? hugs.